Monday, 1 February 2010

World population and india

In 2007, the population growth rate of the different indian states were published. Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu and kerala had less than 2% growth rate whereas Karnataka was just over two. This growth rate is on par with the rates in Europe and Australia. However, UP, Bihar and the north east continue to increase with very high rates from 3-4% that makes the indian aRank verage to be 2.7% way behind china.
State Fertility rate (source:
1 Andhra Pradesh 1.8
1 Goa 1.8
1 Tamil Nadu 1.8
4 Himachal Pradesh 1.9
4 Kerala 1.9
6 Punjab 2
6 Sikkim 2
8 Karnataka 2.1
8 Maharashtra 2.1
10 West Bengal 2.3
11 Assam 2.4
11 Gujarat 2.4
11 Jammu and Kashmir 2.4
11 Orissa 2.4
11 Tripura 2.4
16 Chattisgarh 2.6
16 Uttarakhand 2.6
18 Haryana 2.7
- Whole INDIA 2.7
19 Manipur 2.8
20 Mizoram 2.9
21 Arunachal Pradesh 3
22 Madhya Pradesh 3.1
23 Rajasthan 3.2
24 Jharkhand 3.3
25 Nagaland 3.7
26 Meghalaya 3.8
27 Uttar Pradesh 3.8
28 Bihar 4


  1. Hi rethu

    Got the concept of posting comments. Good to read your blog. Do put up more posts - maybe a good way to be in touch as you say. Alarming figures for UP and Bihar!! Proud of TN - is half the rate of other states. Way to go Tamils!!


  2. Sugi: I am glad that you were able to crack the difficult problem of posting in new blogs. yeah, appalling isnt it, to see that Bihar and UP that are right in the middle of the country remain so unaware of what the rest of the country are doing. As you can see, there will be a mass migration of people from north-northeast to south -southwest. I think this is already happening.

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